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4 posts

Posts by ibramsyah

Dec 29, 2020 at 22:49  [reply]  Please!! Font of "CUIDATE A VER"??

because of the virus pandemic I have a lot to do
and I have returned, and will start off with a design day of good in the world

thank you so much for telling me
did someone steal my fonts?
I don't understand this yet
Thank you very much
my friend

Dec 29, 2020 at 22:45  [reply]  Font name please

thank you so much for telling me
did someone steal my fonts?
I don't understand this yet
Thank you very much
my friend

Mar 08, 2020 at 13:55  [reply]  Adsense

thank you very much for the quick response
now what should I do
Thank you very much

Mar 07, 2020 at 19:44  [reply]  Adsense

I also have the same problem, please help me?

I'm asking the same question,
can't connect my adsense to dafont and showing need attention, I already put the publisher ID and Channel ID but notification from adsense say
"your site isn’t ready to show ads
We couldn’t find the code on your site. This is because the code is either missing or incomplete, or because the URL of your site is incorrect. Learn more.
Copy and paste this code in the HTML of your site, between the <head> and </head> tags."

Thank you very much

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