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837 posts    Identified fonts    Requests only

Posts by metaphasebrothel

You don't have a font. You have pictures of letters.

You'd need a font editing program which allows for images to be imported, (you might first have to save your .pngs as monochrome bitmaps, .tiff, or another image type which your font editor accepts. next, you'd need to modify the vector images so they would look decent at sizes larger and smaller than the original graphics.

If you don't know how to do that, you need to learn first. What you have now is less than 1% of the finished product.

May 22, 2024 at 20:19  [reply]  Trying to contact the author

Did you try sending a private message to 'Gyom Seguin' on dafont?

May 22, 2024 at 20:16  [reply]  Winzip the only option?

Download and install Winrar instead:

You can use the trial version for as long as you want to. After the trial period expires, you just need to close a dialog box each time you use it.

Winrar does all the same things as Winzip. The only time I ever use Winzip is if I want to create a .zip archive file, instead of a .rar archive file.

The old school way that I set ascenders and descenders:

For the glyph frame which has the highest ascender, and the one with the lowest descender, I move the top and bottom bearings to the highest and lowest positions, then I create a tiny contour in the upper or lower corner where that X Axis position intersects with the Y Axis position for the right or left side bearing. I save the project file, then delete the tiny contours, and save again. To me, that's easier than calculating a numeric value.

MattieIsHere said  
Okay, but I've already mastered BBCode, but thanks for the answer!

metaphasebrothel said  
For those who don't know how to use bbcode tags...

Edited on May 13, 2024 at 13:03 by marty666

For those who don't know how to use bbcode tags, do this:

1) Locate and copy the url/address of the image you want to post.

2) Type img inside square brackets.

3) Paste the image url.

4) Type /img inside square brackets.

What you type looks like this:

And this is posted:

Feb 23, 2024 at 10:14  [reply]  No kerning on Windows

When I was making my only alphabet font which isn't monospaced, I created an MS Word doc and typed the 676 letter pairs, (AA - ZZ). I then selected the most recent version of the unfinished font for the entire document, and looked to see if the kerning looked correct at different point sizes. That word doc can be reused for any installed font.

Edited on Feb 23, 2024 at 10:15 by metaphasebrothel

#3 en Francais, traduit par Google

Chuck, je vous recommande également de créer soit un document texte Lisez-moi générique pour chacune de vos polices qui ne sont plus 100% gratuites, soit de créer un document Lisez-moi unique pour chacune, si les termes d'utilisation commerciale ne sont PAS identiques. Vous devriez les avoir inclus dans les archives dafont .zip. Vous devriez probablement demander à frd par message privé comment procéder le plus efficacement possible, qu'il s'agisse de télécharger des fichiers .zip mis à jour pour toutes vos polices, ou de fournir un ou plusieurs documents Lisez-moi et d'indiquer les noms des fichiers .zip auxquels ils doivent être ajouté. À tout le moins, vous devez mettre à jour la « Note de l'auteur » pour chaque police, pour réitérer que les polices ne sont plus 100 % gratuites.

Je vous recommande également de faire une recherche Google pour chacune de vos polices, afin de voir quels autres sites, autres que Dafont, hébergent votre travail. Même si vous avez soumis les polices uniquement sur ce site, d'autres sites téléchargent invariablement depuis Dafont et ajoutent des polices à celles qu'ils hébergent.

D'un point de vue juridique, vos polices sont à 100 % à partir du moment où elles ont été publiées jusqu'à la date à laquelle vous modifiez les termes de la licence. Si vous n'indiquez pas le changement sur CHAQUE SITE hébergeant vos polices, quelqu'un qui télécharge votre travail à partir d'un site qui affiche votre travail comme 100 % gratuit pourrait raisonnablement supposer qu'il n'y a pas de frais pour une utilisation commerciale, et la loi soutiendrait cette hypothèse. Il vous incombe de modifier les conditions d'utilisation et d'indiquer explicitement les modifications.

Dec 29, 2023 at 18:22  [reply]  search font complete

Look through the results for Mathematical fonts on Luc Devroye's site:

Chuck, I recommend that you also create either one generic read me text document for every one of your fonts which are no longer 100% free, or create an unique read me for each, if the commercial use terms are NOT identical. You should have those included in the dafont .zip archives. You should probably ask frd by private message how to do that most efficiently, whether it's uploading updated .zip files for all of your fonts, or providing one or more read me docs, and indicating the names of the .zip files to which they should be added. At the very least, you should update the 'Note of Author' for each font, to reiterate that the fonts are no longer 100% free.

I would recommend as well that you do a Google search for each of your fonts, to see which other sites, other than dafont, are hosting your work. Athough you may have submitted the fonts only to this site, Other sites invariably download from dafont, and add fonts to the ones they host.

From a legal perspective, your fonts are 100% from the time they were posted until the date on which you change the licensing terms. If you do not indicate the change on EVERY SITE hosting your fonts, Someone who downloads your work from a site which displays your work as 100% free could reasonably assume that there is no fee for commercial use, and the law would support that assumption. The onus is on YOU to modify the terms of use, and to explicitly state the changes.

Nov 28, 2023 at 14:51  [reply]  HelloCat

marty666 said  
Keith Morris... like the singer of Black Flag / Circle Jerks?

No, this Keith Morris:

He usually does custom lettering, rather than fonts.

Custom proprietary fonts which are not available for purchase are quite common. Most major newspapers and magazines have one which is unique and associated specifically with the publication. Keith Morris designed a font which can only be used by the Campbell's Soup company. In these cases, the font is owned by the client, rather than by its designer.

Yes, go ahead and use it commercially.

Paul Lloyd made more than 100 fonts before 2008 which are 100% free for all use. His fonts from 2008 and later for the Greater Albion foundry are not free.

Which font editing software do you use to make fonts?

Do you draw your glyphs in the font editor, or import them from a different app?

Do you understand the terms ascender, descender and vertical metrics?

The problem is with the image quality. It appears that you have enlarged a smaller text sample. The altered image is insufficiently clear to allow for proper identification. Try your request again with the original image, even if it's small.

@Chuck Rang: Mention on the title page that the font on the cover is Logger by David Rakowski.

It's very possible that he did not design the font, he may have just made a digital version of a Public Domain alphabet design, from a printed source.

Jul 26, 2023 at 16:50  [reply]  How to do

Usually the demo version has only a basic character map; (alphabet, possibly numbers, some limited punctuation). The full version would be for sale somewhere. It would likely include many accented characters, and other glyphs that are non-essential for basic text use.

Years ago, some font authors released demo versions with a few random glyphs not included, (no lower case k, no capital P, no number 4, etc.), but new fonts like that would not be posted on dafont today; a full alphabet in the character map is necessary for non-dingbat fonts.

Jul 13, 2023 at 20:20  [reply]  Mystery and detective sources

I think something by Max Infeld, (Xenographer Fonts - would suit your purposes.

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