
18 posts

Posts by tcarisland

I might have found the error by myself, I found some residual custom parameters in the glyphs document from exporting and importing a design.

Nov 18, 2021 at 16:44  [initial post]  Ascender problem in font submission.

Hi, I recently got some feedback on a font I submitted (Tuscan Modular).

After I received feedback the last time I changed the ascender height to make room for the diacritics and submitted again, but the second time I got the exact same error message?

"- Font is cropped in height under some systems (incorrect ascender/descender settings)"

Was the ascender height still too low? Is there any particular system/software/library I should test on?

I remember a font I submitted earlier where I received some feedback that you used the PHP GD-library, here I started testing using that library, and I'm trying to reproduce the error so that I can fix it instead of just making shots in the dark.

Apr 18, 2021 at 18:38  [initial post]  Logo fonts

I've seen that there are several fonts containing logos and what seems to be protected IP.

This designer seems to have uploaded a lot of that.

Is making a logo compilation font legal, or does it constitute some breach of trademark?

Mar 09, 2021 at 15:08  [reply]  Font submission

If review time is around two months then did some of my submissions fall through the cracks?

Most of the fonts I made in late 2020 seem to have been accepted, but there are still four fonts (Tuscan Black, Belleview, 16 Segment Display and Orthographix) that were uploaded sometime throughout December, which would mean it's now over three months.

Just curious about a status update to make sure they didn't get lost in the process.

Edited on Mar 09, 2021 at 15:08 by tcarisland

Jan 21, 2021 at 20:19  [initial post]  Which error was it?

Today I received an error message for a script font I tried uploading again called "Caroline".

I have it here if you want to know which one ...

The response was:

"Space glyph unset, or too much small/large"

Which one was it? It looks like I have a space glyph, was it encoded wrong? Was it too small or too large?

Most of us designers here on who produce "Free for personal use" fonts also sell our fonts on sites such as Creative Fabrica and FontBundles. Others have a paypal account or other such payment solution on their website.

The ones I've made are sell for 8-12 dollars for a commercial license with the sites usually offering generous discounts.

To most users I say, if you use them in your professional capacity or plan on making money by using my font then it's commercial.

The point of offering them "free for personal use" is to allow you to try it out, and to show I don't really care if you use it for some personal project or just play around with it.

I myself used another font on this site for a previous employer, it wasn't exactly hard to convince my boss to pay 15 dollars or so for a license.

As for this question...

tetsus said  
Hello, i would be really grateful if somebody can explain this one for me.

I have just finished a graphic designer course and started to create my portfolio, i want to publish my works on Behance, Fiverr, 99design and similar. In logos i create for companies that does not exist (assume companies) i want to use fonts that are "for personal use". Are portfolios a personal use? I understand that if somebody wants me to create such a logo for their company they need to buy license for fonts. But my purpose right now is just create a beautiful portfolio. Can i use font for personal use in it?

Thank you!

If you use it in your portfolio and try to sell yourself as a designer on Behance, wouldn't it look more professional if you bothered to support the designers you've in effect chosen to collaborate with? As I've mentioned, most font licenses aren't that expensive, from what I've seen the price range is usually somewhere between 8-30 USD with several of the sites offering discounts on a regular basis. Look up the designers profile on DaFont or the description for information on their license and where they sell them.

Edited on Jan 13, 2021 at 08:29 by tcarisland

Dec 08, 2020 at 23:34  [reply]  Font Licence

From Wikipedia:

"The public domain consists of all the creative work to which no exclusive intellectual property rights apply. Those rights may have expired,[1] been forfeited,[2] expressly waived, or may be inapplicable.[3]"

I would say a public domain work is even better than free since it more explicitly states that there's no copyright on the work released.

Here's an article I found on public domain and commercial rights.

As a contributor here I really try not to upload font files more than necessary, but every now and then I discover a mistake I made a little too late.

Just recently I got some feedback for another font that it didn't work with the kerning used in the Php GD library and I found the same mistake with the other fonts I uploaded during that timespan, because of this I ended up reuploading a lot of the fonts I've already submitted with that particular issue fixed (by using legacy kerning tables during export).

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only designer with this experience, which is why I suggest that you try and implement a support ticket system. At the very least you could generate a random/incremental unique number where the designer can supply this number when uploading another font to indicate whether or not this is a new font, or a reupload of an existing submission. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't take the programmers too much effort to create a minimum viable product for this. Just generate a number upon submitting and you can use this number to search among the submissions however you store them.

This also opens up opportunities to create other feedback mechanisms for designers who upload and avoid some of the forum posts on slow review times, such as a status system where a designer could see if you received this or that font, how long the queue is and which place the font happens to be in whatever queueing system you use when you validate fonts.

Hi, I've seen that there's a separate theme/category of pixelfonts here, and I also see that the preview of these fonts usually feature very small characters.

This seems indiciative of these fonts being true pixelfonts in that they're actual bitmaps/raster images stored within a font file, but when I try to download them, they come in .otf and .ttf format.

From what I've read, otf and ttf are vector formats which seems confusing since a vector-based font made with rectangles used to emulate pixels is not really the same as a true pixel font, or are they just vector fonts with special hints or settings set for specific font sizes?

I'm curious since I would like to try and create my own pixel-font and therefore I need some information on what software to use, or what parameters/settings I need to use in my existing font design software to create such a font.

Nov 15, 2020 at 20:08  [reply]  Which design software?

I designed my first fonts using FontForge and Affinity Designer. I had to write some SVG preprocessing programs and scripts to enable a faster workflow to export from the vector graphics program and import into FontForge.

I really recommend buying the Glyphs Mini program if you're on a Mac or buying the cheaper version of FontCreator instead of wasting too much time on FontForge.

Either way I also suggest having a user friendly vector graphics editor such as Affinity Designer or Adobe Illustrator ready.

You can also create fonts by hand, scan it and import it automatically using calligraphr, but my experience is that those fonts end up looking awful without rework in a proper font editor.

So to sum up, you'll need a font editor such as:

1. Glyphs or Glyphs Mini (Mac only)
2. FontLab (Considered the "industry standard")
3. Fontographer (cheaper font editor by the same peoble who made FontLab)
4. FontCreator (Windows only)
5. FontForge (free and open source, but crashes a lot and difficult to work with)
6. Robofont

None of the Font Creation programs have as good vector graphics editing features as a proper vector graphics editor, so I also suggest getting Affinity Designer, Adobe Illustrator, Xara, CorelDraw or some other vector editor you find more comfortable to work with.

If you want to create your first font fast it can be a fun exercise to use tools such as Calligraphr or Scanahand where you can draw a font by hand and scan it to create a fully functional font.

Each program costs somewhere between 50 USD/EUR and 300, with the more expensive ones somewhere between 400-600 USD/EUR.

Personally I ended up buying the full version of FontCreator for my Windows desktop and Glyphs Mini for my Mac. I find that Glyphs Mini is my favorite and will probably upgrade to the full version sometime next year.

Edited 3 times. Last edit on Nov 15, 2020 at 20:22 by tcarisland

Sep 30, 2020 at 10:00  [reply]  Fonts from the past

A lot of universities and libraries have digital collections of books, magazines, newspapers and advertising that are available online.

In general I would just search for "digital library" or "digital collections" and the country or city you might be interested in.

Here's the British Library:

Sep 30, 2020 at 09:47  [reply]  Font creation

Calligraphr is yout best bet if you only want to create one fairly limited font (max 75 characters for the free version).

Scanahand by High Logic does the same thing, but it's a perpetual license that you can use as many times as you want.

You should just get a vector trace of the logo and text.

I've seen people offering vector tracing services online quite a lot of places. Just google "vector tracing service" or something similar and you'll find lots of different choices.

Fonts are basically a combination of vector graphics and programming (setting spacing, kerning and other rules for how text should look), unless you want to rearrange the letters or add more text in the same style then a good vector trace can be scaled to any size and printed on whatever you like.

SVG is the most interesting to me.

Again, I don't know much about it yet, I'm considering getting a better font editor (FontForge crashes incessantly), and one new feature that Glyphs and FontCreator talks about are support for color-fonts. It would be nice to be fairly early in the game - but for it to be interesting, I'd like a channel to distribute my designs that are used by many.

It's probably going to be a niche yes, but I use DaFont first because it's one of the major font resource sites and the first place for new fonts I knew about.

I usually avoid releasing any design for sales until it gets accepted on DaFont because my experience is that you're more picky with what you accept than some of the commercial sites I upload to.

I find that fonts that get accepted here automatically get more exposure than most other places, while MyFonts have an off-putting barrier of entry and certain other sites pretty much force me to release my fonts with a strict "free for all uses" license.

This puts DaFont in a pretty special position, as you allow contributors to release "free for personal use" fonts, you have a fair standard of excellence that doesn't force contributors to be their own "foundry" while you still reject bad fonts and you're particularly good at providing download statistics by font, contributor and "most popular" - this provides me with valuable information on which ideas I should continue working on and which I should avoid. You're also known for being a go-to place for experimental fonts and niche fonts.

So I say that if you think it's just going to be a "niche" you should be especially interested because that's one of the things this site is known for.

Jun 01, 2018 at 13:57  [initial post]  Will DaFont support uploading color fonts?

As the title suggests, I'm curious about learning how to make color fonts as I'm considering getting a better font editor (probably getting either Glyphs or FontCreator depending on which computer I'm willing to do work on).

Also, last year, submission times ranged from a couple of days, to a few weeks. Then I uploaded a few fonts in November and I had to wait until May to have them approved. I know there's a human doing the submission approvals and that there's variability here, and I don't want to come off as nagging (sorry if I am), but is there something going on causing submission times to go from a few days/weeks to half a year?

Nov 05, 2017 at 19:03  [initial post]  Making fonts based on public domain resources

How does DaFont stand on fonts based on a public domain design? I.e. based on a typeface designed by an artist or designer who died more than 70 years ago.

Can I just click "yes, I created the font myself" radio button and attribute the original author in the description?

Oct 18, 2017 at 19:51  [reply]  Contacting koeiekat...

According to Luc ( ), his name is John Wollring. There's someone from the same country with the same name on linkedin here:

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