
Eigener Beispieltext
 697.885 Downloads (5 gestern)   Shareware

5 Kommentare

chmarcos  18.02.2010
no free
opernapedro  29.07.2010
se essa não é free, onde compor uma dessa?
mrobrique  17.07.2014
Permission to use for commercial use? Thanks.
Mike Allard  Autor von Heather   19.08.2014
I've only ever wanted $5 for each computer you put the font on. How you print or use the font beyond that is entirely up to you.
You can send that to me at
Mike Allard
2006 NW 55th Ave #F12
Gainesville, FL 32653

bbruckner  20.10.2014
Love your font but I already have one on my computer with the same name and they are NOT the same. Any suggestions?

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