
Eigener Beispieltext
Rektec à  von Axel Lymphos
 282.875 Downloads (20 gestern)   100% Kostenlos

6 Kommentare

pho-ku  16.05.2016
I dig it!
Neoqueto  04.01.2017
Cool! Reminds me a lot of my own design - Darktech LDR. Props for including Kana.
wayne121  26.04.2017
Is this free to use for making logos??
axel295  Autor von Rektec   01.05.2017
Hello there. It's free for your creation.
Thank you.
Lizs2391  08.01.2021
I cant downloAD it :/
disturbing13  09.01.2021
Is this font free to use in a commercial project for the title of a Mecha game?

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