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9 Kommentare

Kpulvino  07.10.2020
susanmarlen  29.01.2021
Was ist mit kommerzieller Nutzung?
Can you please tell me how to get the little swirl before and after the name!!!!
hpcast216  25.03.2021
can we get instructions on how to insert swirls at the beginning and the end please.
Erin Rafuse  26.03.2021
Ok so the font I just downloaded does not look like this?
iross08  16.10.2021
try the instructions on the google doc and the swirl should work
SmartLaserArt  05.10.2024
Hi! How can I do the swirls in lightburn?
SmartLaserArt  05.10.2024
Never mind, I found it!

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