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8 comentarios

Maison  08/03/2013
Thanks for the use of this, I will use it on the front cover of my first magazine!
jennibird91  08/05/2013
would you allow use of this font for a golf course menu i'm making?
pierre269  15/07/2014
I'm using it for my logo, starting a small video production company! Thanks a lot. Ps, I wrote an email as well. :)
aucp3  07/02/2015
Using for logo
edgysketch  30/03/2015
Hi Ana, would I be able to use this font for a logo I'm producing? Lucy
edgysketch  30/03/2015
p.s. it's such a lovely font!
wushuguan  07/05/2015
Hello Ana, lovely font, would you be happy for me to use this on wedding invitations?
JMFrey  02/04/2018
Hello Ana - I sent you an private message regarding this, but would you grant permission to use the font on the cover of a self-published novel? I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

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