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18 posts

Posts by TattooWoo

I don't know the image requirements for the identity forum, but maybe try uploading the original file, instead of a cropped image?

They look too small, and the second one is blurry.

Sep 23, 2021 at 15:13  [reply]  Delete Comment option

Doesn't really look good, does it?

Sep 23, 2021 at 13:30  [reply]  Delete Comment option


Edited 2 times. Last edit on Sep 23, 2021 at 15:13 by TattooWoo

Sep 22, 2021 at 18:23  [reply]  Delete Comment option

Sure, but it's 2021 dude! (thats the closest to a laughing face I could find)

Edited on Sep 22, 2021 at 18:24 by TattooWoo

Sep 20, 2021 at 15:57  [initial post]  Delete Comment option

Why isn't there an option to delete a comment, but only an option to edit?


Edited 2 times. Last edit on Sep 23, 2021 at 15:11 by TattooWoo

Saharandreams, You are 100% correct, better moderation is needed. Many people in your field use this website, and so do many children.

Sep 20, 2021 at 14:43  [reply]  Volunteering for approvals?

If your youtube video is monetized, or you profit in anyway through promotion/advertising then it is classed as commercial use and not personal.

Is that even possible? To create a font that functions/compatible with a cricut? What I do is type the text in Illustrator and create an SVG file..

Edited on Sep 20, 2021 at 14:19 by TattooWoo

Sep 20, 2021 at 14:01  [initial post]  To the Administrators / Friendly Suggestion

Hey dafont, I have a suggestion. Maybe consider sending out an automated email response to let designers know you received their font submissions, and then may be point out the possible wait times for approval. Naturally, those that have waited weeks/months will begin to assume you never received them and resubmit.

Carvente, That would be a shame, you do nice work and it should be shared with the masses!

I've been made to wait months for approval. It's very frustrating considering it was never liked this when I first joined the site. Even more frustrating when you do this for a living.

Looks like one of mine..

Sep 30, 2020 at 17:05  [reply]  Discrimination?

No worries. I don't mind being patient. It's just disappointing to think that some fonts are being added before mine that were uploaded after mine were. I may be wrong but thats what it seems like judging by other font sites upload dates. So you can imagine why I began to get concerned. But again no worries and cheers for updating my True Lies font info. That was the only one, but I would like to change some more in the future.. Thanks!

Sep 29, 2020 at 23:50  [reply]  Calvin and Hobbes Font

Maybe the paid version will fix that issue? However, all letters should type properly even the demo version... Well spotted!

I've noticed a big uptick in font submissions over the past couple of years.. I blame the ipad pro! However, the major problem with this is many many fonts look the same and not many are very distinct. This will be a big issue going forward. Personally I still create everything by hand because only your natural ability is what makes a font distinct. Plus there are no limits with what you can create by hand, computers have limits etc.. Anyways just wanted to know what other designers think about my comment? Do you agree or disagree? There are so many script fonts that could all be the same font.. Again just my opinion, and I'm looking at this through a designers eye, so it would be interesting to know what other designers think about this... Personally if you want a popular font, or at least a font that actually sells commercially, originality is key!

Edited 3 times. Last edit on Sep 30, 2020 at 05:48 by TattooWoo

Sep 29, 2020 at 23:24  [initial post]  Discrimination?

Can somebody please tell me why my recent fonts have not been added? I know one of them had a metric issue that was resolved and re-uploaded but as for the rest I have not received a word? Plus I tried to update a previous fonts info that has still not been changed. I have over 460 fonts on this website and honestly I am beginning to take this personally. If you guys no longer wish to receive fonts from me then just say so!

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