31 commentaires
Yeah it's 100% free.
Thank you
Is it possible to include the font license with the download, I would love to use this commercially.
Yes, the font is 100% free, thank you for downloading and I really appreciate the question you asked me, you can immediately use it even without a license because it's 100% free, but if you want to help I can donate via paypal to
or follow and give favorites to my product at marketplace.
But if you mind it's okay because the font is 100% free so feel free to use it.
Thank you
Hi, I'm duwi. I ask permission to use this font, is it possible? If there may be a problem you can contact me at
Yeah it's 100% free.
Thank you
Kak permisi apakah fontnya bisa aku gunakan untuk keperluan cover penerbitan buku. Apakah ada lisensi untuk penggunaan nya? Jika ada masalah bisa contact aku di
shinjemi2127@gmail.comHallo, boleh dengan senang hati karena 100% free paling minta bantuannya untuk kasih favorite dan review bintang 5 pada link marketplace yang tertera karena di dafont dan di marketplace juga gratis 100%.
Terimakasih 🙏
Hello kak. Saya izin menggunakan font ini untuk disablon di produk dagangan saya, apakah boleh? Jika mungkin kurang berkenan bisa hubungi saya di
suryanggranenni@gmail.comHallo, boleh dengan senang hati karena 100% free paling minta bantuannya untuk kasih favorite dan review bintang 5 pada link marketplace yang tertera karena di dafont dan di marketplace juga gratis 100%.
Terimakasih 🙏
Yes, the font is 100% free, thank you for downloading and I really appreciate the question you asked me, you can immediately use it even without a license because it's 100% free, but if you want to help I can donate via paypal to
But if you mind it's okay because the font is 100% free so feel free to use it.
or follow and give favorites to my product at marketplace, link:
don't forget to give a 5 star rating.
Thank you
hay kak, izin menggunakan fontnya untuk desain layout dan cover novel, ini benaran freekan kak?
Hallo, boleh dengan senang hati karena 100% free paling minta bantuannya untuk kasih favorite dan review bintang 5 pada link marketplace yang tertera karena di dafont dan di marketplace juga gratis 100%.
Terimakasih 🙏
Thank you. beautiful job. I can use it for commercial use
Hi, love this font. I run a small business making personalised items, would I be able to use this font on my products to sell please?
Yes, the font is 100% free, thank you for downloading and I really appreciate the question you asked me, you can immediately use it even without a license because it's 100% free, but if you want to help I can donate via paypal to
But if you mind it's okay because the font is 100% free so feel free to use it.
or follow and give favorites to my product at marketplace, link:
don't forget to give a 5 star rating.
Hello, this font is so beautiful. Can in use this font for commercial use ? Let me know please at
Yes, the font is 100% free, thank you for downloading and I really appreciate the question you asked me, you can immediately use it even without a license because it's 100% free, but if you want to help I can donate via paypal to
But if you mind it's okay because the font is 100% free so feel free to use it.
or follow and give favorites to my product at marketplace, link:
don't forget to give a 5 star rating.
Hi, your font is really lovely. Can I use it for commercial use?
Thank you very much in advance
Yes, the font is 100% free, thank you for downloading and I really appreciate the question you asked me, you can immediately use it even without a license because it's 100% free, but if you want to help I can donate via paypal to
But if you mind it's okay because the font is 100% free so feel free to use it.
or follow and give favorites to my product at marketplace, link:
don't forget to give a 5 star rating.
Thank you
Halo. Saya liat font ini 100% free. Dengan begitu, saya izin menggunakan font anda untuk projek desain cover buku saya. Sebelumnya terimakasih banyak karna sudah membuat font secantik ini dan mengizinkan saya menggunakannnya secara gratis^^
I read above that your font can be used for commercial use. It’s a beautiful font! I was was wondering if you can confirm that this is commercial use to the email of
Thanks so much for your effort on font creating.
Yes, the font is 100% free, thank you for downloading and I really appreciate the question you asked me, you can immediately use it even without a license because it's 100% free, but if you want to help I can donate via paypal to
But if you mind it's okay because the font is 100% free so feel free to use it.
or follow and give favorites to my product at marketplace, link:
don't forget to give a 5 star rating.
Thank you
Halo kak mohon ijin menggunakan fontnya. Terima kasih
Good afternoon, first I want to say that I love this font. Will it be ok to use for commercial use? If you need to reach out to me I will give you my email address.
Yes, the font is 100% free, thank you for downloading and I really appreciate the question you asked me, you can immediately use it even without a license because it's 100% free, but if you want to help I can donate via paypal to
But if you mind it's okay because the font is 100% free so feel free to use it.
or follow and give favorites to my product at marketplace, link:
don't forget to give a 5 star rating.
Thank you
Hello I love your font and I would love to use your font for commercial use, would this be ok? Thankyou so much!