Registered on November 23, 2009
Naughty Moderator
Author of 46 fonts on

Michał Nowak [Neoqueto]

Poland (Koszalin)

User comment
Me: young fool who still hopes that someday, when he grows up, he'll be a well-known graphic designer, game developer and he'll have a looot of money. But the truth is that he'll never even grow up. He is rejecting that truth. Still no cutie mark visible, meaning that no talent has been discovered yet.

It is possible that it's typography.

If you want help me finding my special talent, please take a look at my fonts and download some if you find them nice. Thanks, have a nice day.

Why are my font sample pictures so tall? The answer is that I tend to post some of them on Fontstruct as comments, and there's an image width limit.


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