Anúncio de Billy Argel Fonts ®


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7 comentários

BetsBook  24/02/2017
I've got the swash ! I'm so proud of me. Thanks a lot.
swatson  10/03/2017
I cannot get the swash! Someone tell me exactly how it's done. Just typing the underline and number isn't doing it for me.
swatson  10/03/2017
BetsBook, how did you get the swash?
Terri Holmes  17/03/2017
HOW DO YOU GET THE SWASH!!! I can't get it!! HELP
Terri Holmes  17/03/2017
Abundant Elegance is what I need!! PLEASE
pkidd4  04/09/2017
Can someone enlighten me on how to add the swash.. I tried with the instructions provided, but it didn't work... Please help!

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