Anúncio de Studio Typo

Typo Round

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 501.924 downloads (93 ontem)   Grátis para uso pessoal - 8 arquivos de fonte

3 comentários

Niminn  23/01/2018
impossible de créer un pdf car la police est une démo :-(
Sparkqlez  08/06/2018
It's really annoying how it just says it's a demo. I'm not sure if after this "demo", well, I don't know how long it goes for, I can use this font anymore? Like, woaahhh it's just a font but like seriously... It's really good though. :l
nadiimuuh  05/06/2019
Is it possible to "really" use it? I would like to work with it as letters in my logo. Would be also interessted in buying the official licences if possible. :)

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